Residential Real Estate Sales, Leasing and Property Management Since 1985
(480) 947-1499

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Looking for Leasing or Property Management Services For your Arizona Rental Property?
YOU FOUND IT!!! The "Arrowpoint Advantage"
We help you set the market rental rate for your property, based on our 30+ years of experience, based on comparables from the MLS, and also based on comps from our in-house Rent-Match program.
We use state of the art software from Appfolio, so you will get your money and reporting fast. Fully interactive owner portal makes things simple! CLICK BELOW for more information on how Appfolio makes us state of the art and see how things will look in action.
A wonderful feature of our new Appfolio on-line Property Management program is that it uploads infomation about each of our available rental properties to our website where prospective tenants can get more information, see photos, download a marketing brochure, make application, and even pay their earnest deposit and move-in funds "on-line."
Applicants are screened for identity and employment verification, previous rental history, credit scores, criminal background check and even sex offender screening. We strive to streamline the process by getting the application done at the time of showing right from the applicant's smart phone!
We will have your listing in front of 6000-10,000 people looking for a rental on social media today!
Looking to buy your dream home, an investment property, or Sell your existing property?
Enter the Answer to Question here. Be thoughtful with your answer, write clearly, and consider adding examples. This can help your visitors get the help they need quickly and easily.
We can do that!
Give us a call so we can discuss your personal situation. We pride ourselves on taking the time to listen to your goals and plans.
We are much more than a property management company! We are affiliated with a wonderful team of lenders and escrow offices. There is a loan program to fit everyone.
We have happily assisted our clients in selling their investments when they are ready, often facilitating tenant purchases, and assist tenants every day in the process of becoming a homeowner.
Free Arizona Seller's Guide (Under Construction)